Children in Year six complete SATs before they leave for secondary school. Last year (2016) their results were as follows:
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics 
At 50% we were marginally below the national average (52%) for the percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined. Three of our pupils achieved a scale score of 99 in reading which meant they were both 1 mark away from achieving the combined measure. These three pupils would have increased our combined score to 60% which would have been comfortably above national. Our progress measure was just above national average (+0.3) for maths and reading.
Average progress in mathematics
[table id=27 /]
Very close to national – building on outstanding 2015 maths outcomes to continue to close gap with national.
Average progress in reading
[table id=28 /]
The upward trend shows that our school continued to close the gap with national figures.
Three pupils missed standard by 1 mark – had they been successful we would have been exactly in line with national at 66%.
Average progress in grammar, punctuation and spelling
[table id=29 /]
We actually exceeded national in SPAG, again continuing our upward trend whilst national dipped.
Average progress in writing
[table id=30 /]
Our writing outcomes were very close to national. The steep downward trend from 2015 mirrors national and is due to the government significantly increasing the expectations a pupil must meet to reach expected standard.