What is wraparound care?
Wraparound childcare is before and after school care for children during term time. At Willington Primary School we have 2 options you can choose for children in our school.
Sunrise Club
Morning childcare sessions are available from 8:00am Monday to Friday. This will no longer be a breakfast club as breakfast will be provided in school. Mr Littlefair will continue to offer a range of activities. The fee for attending this club is 50p per day. You can pay on the day with cash or through Arbor. Payment MUST be made before children can attend the club. Children in reception through to year 6 can attend and it is term time only excluding PD days .

Sunset Club
After school child care sessions are available from the end of the school day up until 6:00pm Monday to Thursday. Children will not receive a meal but will have access to a healthy snack. Activities include board games, multi-sports, mindfulness, construction and arts and crafts. The fee for attending this club is £5 per session (This is lower than what we originally advertised due to receipt of further funding). Places must be booked in advance via the office for the week ahead. You will be required to complete a booking form and commit to pay the full cost of each session. If you require a place for next week please let us know no later than Friday 6th September by contacting the school office.
Please note, other afterschool fees for clubs such as MTL Coaching must be paid in addition to any wraparound care charges. If you require wrap around care after a school club, this will be charged at the reduced rate of £3.
Extra-Curricular clubs and activities will also run throughout the school term. Information about the clubs will be forwarded to you.