Curriculum Overview – Spring 2015
Topic – Where the Wild Things Are
In Year 1 we follow a creative curriculum approach where many subjects, including literacy, are covered within one theme. This half term our topic is based around the book Where the Wild Things are. The children start the topic by drawing maps of Max’s journey across the sea to the island using grid references and compass directions. They then learn a 4 part travelling poem and accompany this using their voices and untuned instruments.
The children then explore the island where the Wild Things are using drama techniques. They create their own Wild Thing, collage of the island in groups and map of the island using a simple key. In literacy they will write a short description of the island using descriptive language. They will explore the story through freeze framing and story mapping and will finish the topic with their very own ‘wild rumpus’ party.
This half term the children will continue to follow the Read Write Inc programme for phonics 5 days a week. Children will receive a structured and systematic phonics lesson each day. This will be taught in small ability groups, based on their reading ability and is aimed at accelerating their reading ability and fluency.
Alongside this the children will have an English lesson each week on a Monday and Tuesday. This allows us to explore different genres of text (i.e. instructions, narrative, poetry). This term the children will be reading and writing instructions linked to The Tiger who came to Tea. They will also learn simple stories such as the porridge pot. They will use this story to explore characters and events through hot seating and story mapping. They will then write their own versions changing the events or characters.
As part of our topic on the seaside the children will then look at the Lighthouse Keeper stories. Children will again explore the characters and events through role play, hot seating and story mapping. They will write their own events and ending to the story before finding out how the real story ends.
We will also be practising pencil grip, control and correct letter formation on a daily basis in handwriting sessions. Those who are ready to, will be introduced to simple joins linked to the Read Write Inc sounds they have learnt.
Reading books will also be sent home each week. These will be changed when your child returns his or her book signed by you the parent/carer. This should be at least once a week, but will depend on your child’s confidence and ability as a reader. The more that you can practise reading with your child the better! Short sessions every day is ideal!
This term pupils will learn to represent and explain what happens when counting in two and tens and connect this with adding and subtracting two and ten. They will then be able to explain how they know which numbers are multiples of ten and which are multiples of two. We will follow this with our Maths Make Sense methods for multiplying using our cups. Once confident with counting in 2s and 10s, we are going to apply this to different situations, incorporating different measures such as length and weight.
Seasons – We start the term with a short unit on the seasons. We will be looking at how things change throughout the year with a focus on Winter. Children will sort clothes worn during different seasons. They will also use their research skills to find out about plants, animals and weather in Winter and use this information to write their own Winter acrostic poem. We will also talk about changes in the weather and will record this regularly on our own charts and tables.
The children will also take part in a range of fun investigations to help them develop their science investigation skills like predicting, observing and recording results as well as talking about what their results show.
This term we will be looking at computer programming. The children will be learning what an algorithm is and how to debug a simple set of instructions.
Children will learn what Christians believe about God (as a loving parent) and what Jesus taught about love and caring, through the story of Zacchaeus. They will find out about how Christians follow Jesus’ teaching in caring for others and reflect on how they can care for others.
A little extra information:
I would also like to stress the importance of the valuable work that you do at home with reading books, keyword cards and homework. Thank you for all your efforts, this is of great benefit to the children and I would encourage you to continue as often as possible.
Our PE day has changed to a THURSDAY this term. Please ensure a suitable PE kit is in school on this day and any earrings are removed.
Homework learning logs will be handed out each Wednesday and are to be returned to school for marking the following Monday. Please choose an activity each week from the selection glued into the front cover of your child’s learning log.