Primary School

Year 2 Curriculum Overview Spring 2014 – 2015

Curriculum Overview Spring 2015

Great Fire of London

We adopt a topic based approach to teaching the foundation subjects. Our topic this term is Great Fire of London

Detective Debbie returned to Year 2 with a top secret mission for children. A package full of evidence was delivered from the Chief Detective containing clues about a case that he was struggling with. Children became historical detectives in order to examine the evidence and try to piece together the clues to find out exactly what happened during the Great Fire of London. Children made predictions about the discovered objects, including who they belonged to and what they might have been used for.Click here to see the package being delivered to the class They are now conducting the appropriate research to determine whether or not their predictions were correct.

Great Fire of London

Detective Debbie will continue to visit throughout the term setting various missions for use to solve. As historical detectives, over the course of the rest of this term children will use their skills as investigators to answer key questions about the fire.

  • How did the fire start?
  • Who started the fire?
  • Where did the fire start?
  • Why did it spread so far and so quickly?
  • How did they put the fire out?
  • Did anyone get hurt?
  • Did anything good come from the fire?
  • How do we know about the fire?

Children will explore the events of 1666 examining evidence, searching for clues and recreating events using various dramatic techniques before presenting their findings in the form of recounts and fact files.

Children will use D&T skills to recreate a, historically accurate, model of Pudding Lane. They will also experiment with different brush strokes and colour mixing to recreate realistic looking flames. They will even use their mathematical skills to measure ingredients to bake some Pudding Lane bread.

Grouping and Changing Materials

Children will continue to investigate grouping various materials into different criteria based on their properties. This includes exploring natural and man-made materials and also carrying out experiments to investigate the effects of heating and cooling.

We will conduct a range of experiments and investigations on our spring topic “Great Fire of London”. These investigations include investigating floating and sinking wherein children will find out which items they could save from the flames by floating them down the river Thames. We will also investigate why the fire spread so far and so quickly by looking at the effects of heat/fire on certain materials and why they are good (or bad) at different jobs.

Miss Jones
Class Teacher

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